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Single Donations

We're incredibly grateful that you'd like to leave our charity a donation. Your options are as follows:


Donate via JustGiving
Donate via Beacon

Bank transfer:

Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00011972
Name: YORK MIND (Incorporating Our Celebration)


Made payable to ‘YORK MIND’
Address: The Fundraising Team, York Mind, Highcliffe House, Highcliffe Court, York, YO30 6BP


Please email 
so that we can arrange for a member of staff or volunteer to collect your donation, or vist our office.

Gift Aid:

For donations made direct to York Mind (not via JustGiving) you may be eligible to boost your donation by 25% via the Gift Aid scheme. Click here to download our gift aid form.


Upcoming events



31st May 2025, 12:00

Castle to Abbey Yorkshire Coast Challenge

A 22-mile guided walk along the coastal Cleveland Way and through the North York Moors National Park, from Scarborough Castle to Whitby Abbey. A great day out with stunning scenery whilst raising funds for York Mind! Read more

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