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Fundraising for University Students

Can your club, society or RAG group raise vital funds to support local mental health services?

We're always inspired by the creativity university students express when fundraising for us. We've seen everything, from fight nights open mics, movie premieres to football fixtures. If you're interested raising money to support your local mental health services, we can provide support and branding to help you along the way. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 

  • Set up a movie or quiz night using a lecture theatre
  • Host a karaoke night or a themed event at a campus bar
  • Organise a bake sale or a bucket collection during Freshers' Week on campus
  • Make us your societies Charity of the Year and organise multiple events for York Mind

If you'd like some extra fundraising support for larger fundraising efforts, contact

Upcoming events

Wellness Photo


23rd February 2025, 12:00

The Recharge Hub Winter Wellness Event

We have teamed up with The Recharge Hub to bring you a day of relaxation, mindfulness, and wellbeing! Read more

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